Aquatic Biologicals is the spin-off of the year for 2022!
Aquatic Biologicals was named spin-off of the year in Elevate Greece's "National Innovation Awards 2022" competition!
All of us at Aquatic Biologicals are thrilled that our company was selected as the top innovative start-up company coming from research organisations. This award is a great honour and gives us the impetus to continue our efforts to develop innovative tools that will help the Greek and the Mediterranean Aquaculture. We would like to thank the Ministry of Development and Investments, ElevateGreece, the Hellenic Center for Marine Research and Irida SA for being our strategic investor and partner in Aquatic Biologicals. |
Aquatic Biologicals becomes a partner in a newly launched EU project, November 2022

Aquatic Biologicals participates in the new HORIZON Europe project, Cure4Aqua. The research team of Aquatic Biologicals will be working on the development of novel vaccines for European seabags together with teams from Moredun Research Institute, HCMR and Functional Genomics Center Zurich. Cure4Aqua is a 4.8 million project coordinated by Dr. Ivona Mladineo, from the Institute of Parasitology, Czech Academy of Science. More information about the project can be found here
IRIDA SA becomes the major shareholder in Aquatic Biologicals, June 2021

IRIDA ( has become the major shareholder of Aquatic Biologicals, the first Marine Biotechnology Company in Greece devoted to the prevention of fish diseases in aquaculture.
Aquatic Biologicals is now enabled to bring to life its vision providing eco-friendly aquaculture health solutions, partnering with a solid company in the Mediterranean fish feed sector. The need to reduce antibiotics use, as well as Aquatic Biological’s specialization in autogenous vaccines and phage therapy, go along with IRIDA’s goal, to provide “end-to-end” solutions to its partners, that work well both for them and the environment.
Aquatic Biologicals is now enabled to bring to life its vision providing eco-friendly aquaculture health solutions, partnering with a solid company in the Mediterranean fish feed sector. The need to reduce antibiotics use, as well as Aquatic Biological’s specialization in autogenous vaccines and phage therapy, go along with IRIDA’s goal, to provide “end-to-end” solutions to its partners, that work well both for them and the environment.
Aquatic Biologicals has become an associated member of EMAV, July 2020
EMAV – the Association of European Manufacturers of Autogenous Vaccines and Sera is representing the leading European producers of autogenous vaccines and sera.
EMAV combines the interests of manufacturers of specific vaccines and sera for farm, companion and exotic animals, to promote the European harmonization process.
Aquatic Biologicals is now a member of EMAV and supports its goals and plans,
EMAV combines the interests of manufacturers of specific vaccines and sera for farm, companion and exotic animals, to promote the European harmonization process.
Aquatic Biologicals is now a member of EMAV and supports its goals and plans,
Aquatic Biologicals participates at the Animal Health Investment Forum, 24-26 February 2020, London
Aquatic Biologicals was selected among the 10 most promising start-ups of the Production Animal and Agri-Tech sector in the Animal Health 2020 showcase and was presented in front of investors and the major pharmaceutical companies at the Animal Health Investment Forum which was held in London between 24-26 February, 2020. The team of Aquatic Biologicals discussed synergies and future collaboration with the most important stakeholders of the Animal Health Pharma industry
Aquatic Biologicals at the Blue Invest Event held in Brussels
Aquatic Biologicals was selected among the top 5 EU blue bioeconomy-related SMEs for pitching under the category Food & Feed from the Ocean! The manager of the company, @Pantelis Katharios presented our idea during #blueinvestday2020, an event that took place in Brussels on the 4th of February and attracted more than 500 participants.There we had the opportunity to meet with stakeholders, investors, decision makers and other fellow entrepreneurs and discuss about potential synergies as well as the role of Aquatic Biologicals as a partner in the endeavor of building a sustainable blue bioeconomy in EU.
New scientific article by Maria Smyrli and the Aquaculture Microbiology Lab of HCMR on pathogenic Aeromonas veronii
Visit of Aquaculture Biologicals at Saudi Arabia (July, 2019)
Aquatic Biologicals was invited at the 21st Saudi Aquaculture Biosecurity workshop that took place at the Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture of Saudi Arabia. During our visit we had the pleasure to meet and discuss with stakeholders of the Saudi Aquaculture industry about development opportunities on fish health management.

New scientific article about phage therapy for Vibrio anguillarum by Chilean and Greek scientists
Diversification of Vibrio anguillarum Driven by the Bacteriophage CHOED
Diversification of Vibrio anguillarum Driven by the Bacteriophage CHOED