Dr. Pantelis Katharios is a senior researcher at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and is the head of AQUATIC BIOLOGICALS. He has more than 15 years experience in the management of diseases in aquaculture and he is developing novel methods like phage therapy and autogenous vaccines aiming to the reduction of the antibiotic use.
Dr. Katharios holds a Masters Degree in Aquatic Pathobiology from the University of Stirling, Scotland and a PhD in Biology (Toxicology and Pharmacology) from the University of Patras, Greece
Dr. Katharios holds a Masters Degree in Aquatic Pathobiology from the University of Stirling, Scotland and a PhD in Biology (Toxicology and Pharmacology) from the University of Patras, Greece

Mrs. Constantina Kokkari is a biologist at the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. She is the senior technical scientist with more than 20 years experience in analytical and microbiological techniques. She has extensive experience in phage microbiology

Maria Smyrli (BSc, MSc) is a PhD student at the University of Crete. She is a biologist with more than six years experience in microbiology. Her thesis is on the development of vaccines against Aeromonas veronii infection of European seabass. She has extensive experience in bacteriology and Molecular Biology.

Mariana Tsertou (BSc, MSc) is a PhD student at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She works on the diseases of meagre. She has experience in histopathology and microbiology. She is responsible for the implementation of ISO9001 of the Aquaculture Microbiology Lab of HCMR

Maria Chiara Cascarano (BSc, MSc) is a PhD student at the University of Crete. She is a Biologist with a Master degree in Marine Biology from the University of Ancona. Her doctorate thesis is on Epitheliocystis disease. Chiara is using genomic tools to study non-cultivable bacterial pathogens

Dr. Panos G. Kalatzis has solid expertise in marine microbiology and bacteriophage biology. His scientific interest touches upon bacterial pathogens and interactions with their corresponding bacteriophages from both an ecological and biotechnological perspective. He has been working in bioprospecting, using lytic bacteriophages as antibacterial agents towards developing phage therapy, as a safe and potent alternative strategy against administration of antibiotics.
Dr. Kalatzis possesses a strong background on fish and shellfish diseases, while he has greatly contributed to proof-of-concept phage therapy studies in aquaculture, particularly showing their potential to biologically control pathogenic bacteria in live feeds and hatcheries. He holds a BSc in Biology and MSc in Environmental Biology and Marine Resources Managements from the University of Crete, Greece and he completed his PhD in Marine Microbiology and Bacteriophages at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2017. He currently holds a post-doc research position at the University of Copenhagen
Dr. Kalatzis possesses a strong background on fish and shellfish diseases, while he has greatly contributed to proof-of-concept phage therapy studies in aquaculture, particularly showing their potential to biologically control pathogenic bacteria in live feeds and hatcheries. He holds a BSc in Biology and MSc in Environmental Biology and Marine Resources Managements from the University of Crete, Greece and he completed his PhD in Marine Microbiology and Bacteriophages at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2017. He currently holds a post-doc research position at the University of Copenhagen

Nancy Dourala (DVM, MSc) is a fish veterinarian with more than 20 years of experience as a pathology manager in Selonda, one of the pioneer marine fish farms in the Mediterranean. She holds a degree from the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a MSc from Plymouth University.